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Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:47 pm
by slotcarrod
So sorry Jason! Cancer is one evil that has attacked my family as well, I can only say to FIGHT and remain positive at all times! She CAN beat this! Stay strong for her and try to find as much fun and laughter as possible to share with her and your kids!

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:54 pm
by Charlie don't surf
Sorry to hear about Tracey's diagnosis, scary as anything I could imagine-
Rod's 100% on staying positive, studies have shown that positive emotions and outlooks have amazing effects on NK (natural killer) cells in your body, that attack the cancer cells and destroy them. Chin up, stay happy and carefree as the first day of your marriage! We're all here for you!

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:09 pm
by slapshot1979
Im not sure what write and nobody ever does. Im sorry your wife and family has to go though this treatment. But remember life will only give us what we can handle.

I tried to put myself in your shoes and what came to mind was all the pressures you will face of being a Dad and husband thru these difficult times, so if you need a vent, fire me a PM and get it off your chest.

as posted above "were all here for you"


Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:06 pm
by Y'ernat Al
Fight it. Kicking, screaming, yelling, clawing! Tell it game on! Tell her to say I hope you got more than a "C" game because I'm bringing my A game baby.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:19 am
by aeiou
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Jason.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:02 am
by Bormac
Thank you friends. Although I was not fishing for any sympathy with this I really do appreciate the sound advice that you guys have offered me. It has also been good to hear from others via PM which says a lot that you guys would take the time to help me.
I consider you all great friends and your words of support and wisdom go a long way.
Thank you- Jason

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:22 am
by EddScott
Hi there,

I don't post often on here but thought I should post to say you are not alone. My wife is 31 and she was diagnosed with renal cell cancer back in October that has spread to various parts of her body. It showed up because she was 7 months pregnant at the time and the cancer was eating away at her right hip. She had the baby 2 months early on 16th November and a right hip replacement on 19th. Baby is doing really well.

Until it happens to you and yours, cancer is just something that happens to other people. In the UK we have the National Health Service and the service gets a really bad rep for mistakes and failings but for us they have been truly amazing and everything is done to keep them as well as they can be. My wife has been in hospital since March and we are hoping that she can come out if only for a while. He long term prognosis is pretty poor.

Anyway, don't mean to go on about our situation but just to say its tough, very tough but you have to be strong for them and all you can do is your best and be there for them.

All the luck in the world to you. :)

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:37 am
by Bormac
Edd I am very sorry to hear what your wife is going through. No doubt it must be very hard for you and your whole family.
At this stage my wife is most likely going to be affected by the treatment process more than the cancer itself. We hope we have caught it in time as from what I have learnt her cancer will spread to other Lymphnodes in her body.

It really sucks that cancer is around with so many of us and to all that are affected in one way or another I also wish for a positive outcome for those affected directly.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:18 am
by vintagercaddict
Hey brotha..sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis of cancer... It is hard to fathom esp knowing a significant other who has it.. Everyday I come across people with.. Different stages of life threatening illness's.. Working at 2 different hospitals... I've seen it all.. Hang in there and most of all prayer's! The Lord will heal and answer prayer's.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:13 pm
by Momo5
Sorry to hear about all this. She will kick its ass though. Stay strong man!

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:48 pm
by Daryl Lane
Jason really sorry for your wife's condition it is a blow to find out things like this. You and your wife will be in our prayers and thoughts as you fight and win this life's trial.

Be strong Jason as you will need support to be able to uphold and support your wife! Be open to and receive all the help and support you are offered by friends and family - but remember to protect your wife's time alone to deal with things and react to this trial.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:12 pm
by tommykart
Try to keep a positive direction towards healing. My Dad has had thyroid and prostate cancer and has done well with recovery, both cancers only required surgery and he recovered fully from both, but he still gets regular blood work to make sure everything is ok.

I wish your wife and family well, sending positive vibrations and prayers your way.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:55 pm
by vintage AE
Hi Jason, I'm very sorry to hear about Tracey. I've been with my with almost 20 years of my 35 years on this planet and it would completely destroy me to go through what you have to go through. My thought and wishes are with you.

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:26 am
by bully
Sorry to hear that mate,wish you an your family all the best. Keep up the anzac spirit

Re: And then cancer came along....

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:34 am
by Asso_man!
Very sorry to read this Jason, life is a b**ch sometimes, but in the end it's all in our minds and we can all make it a beach by simply staying positive, communicate the best we can with our beloved, stay positive as much as we can and above all enjoy every second of our life, CARPE DIEM should be everyone's motto. And like Reggie said, there is no such thing as mental strenght to fight a crappy disease, it really helps and has been proven scientifically many times!
Hope, positivism and attention will, I am sure, be your main drivers here! Good luck and all the best for your wife and the whole family Jason.
