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Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:41 am
by Lonestar
abailey21 wrote:My wife is gonna firmly place my balls so deep in her purse I'll never get them back if I buy this....

I'll miss you balls

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:29 am
JPAE07 wrote:
DMAT wrote:Since this seems to be the trending thread at moment, ill post here.

decided to ask MIP about a 4wd kit being release.

MIP Radio Control RC Car Hop-Ups and Tools for the Hobbyist

Yes we are waiting to see the responses from the customers on the kits being re-released. No promises on any products but the 4-10 legend kit isn't out of the question if we can financially justify a re release of it. It would be awesome to get a vintage class going at Race Tracks across the country
Not to burst your bubbles but....

Heard that exact comment out of Eustace's mouth at rc expo when they unveiled #6001.

In addition, MIP kicked the topic around with a web poll and it resoundingly was in favor of re-release product. He still determined it wasn't a worthwhile pursuit. I know people had even contacted him with interest.

Therefore I'd take that response he gave you with a grain of salt.

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:01 am
by Charlie don't surf
MIP has been "toying" with it since I joined here in 2008- there have been hundreds of emails, at least one 15 page thread on the subject, constant contact with MIP and the Buzz was killed a lonnnng time ago and it's not a new thing. But in 6 years there has been nothing but "we couldn't sell enough to make it marketable" and in all honestly...he's probably 100% correct.

JPAE07 has been around the block, and at those he just might be someone that you would consider to be a reliable source. But hey, one can dream-

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:41 am
by knixdad
janaya wrote:Associated just updated their web page. The 1993 link now takes you to this image. I'm getting gitty now.
Take a closer look at the AE site background. It's freaking hilarious.

When can I order a #1020 Factory Team Crying Tissue?

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:26 pm
by JPAE07
Thanks DMAT! I'll take it! Just keeping things real before there's 4 pages of people posting "I'm ordering five 4-10 Legend kits"

One more consideration - Eustace has been around the hobby for quite some time. At least as long as the founders of Associated. They've all retired. He is still in it... Nostalgia is nice but I bet he is tired.

Reg - Thanks for the kudo's. Yes, I have some decent basic knowledge - all learned here on the talk. Wish I had more than 3 build write-ups on here to back that up. Unfortunately all my build parts sit in stacks of totes. One day, hopefully soon, I will start assembling all the parts of the builds I've collected over the last 8 years. As I digress...

back to the #6002.

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:53 pm
by RC10resto
Eustace is looking pretty spry to me 8)
I might just hold my breath :wink:

Re: #6002

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:01 pm
by mikea96
That would be so cool if the legends kit was released again

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:58 am
by aeiou
It’ll be interesting to see if AE goes to the trouble of milling the tub and nose plate or if they will just use the black chassis parts they’ve already released. Either way, I’ll be adding a kit or two to my collection. I’m probably more excited about the potential availability of new 2.1/2.0 tires, especially if JConcepts follows up with more track-worthy stuff. :wink:

As to MIP rereleasing any of the 4x4 kits, add me to the buzzkill list. I’ve always considered Mr. Moore to be a very shrewd businessman. Even if he were to abandon his “made in the USA” mantra and leverage his partner’s China manufacturing connections, it would still be a significant risk, IMO. That being said, it’d be pretty cool if I were wrong. Plus, I could use some front universals. :mrgreen:

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:19 pm
by pumpkinfish
Has anyone ever asked Mr. Moore what the minimum order needs to be? I deal with manufacturers all the time at work and onesies and twosies get no bids. I think if we were to approach this from a minimum order angle instead of "are you going to start making these again" we might get an idea if he really wants to make them. I don't blame the guy for not taking action because I have seen it before with people saying they will buy something, guy produces it then everyone disappears. I think if we found out the minimum order then provided the cash to him up front he knows he made his money and doesn't have to worry about unsold stock. Just my thoughts from dealing with manufacturers on a daily basis.

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:22 pm
by Orange
After asking Eustace about it at last years Cactus, his response to me was flat out no. After chatting with him for a bit I got the sense that he is interested in products that are intended for the long term and he doesn't really want to mess around with short term stuff... As you can tell he is getting more into racing products again and has a stronger focus on that and feels like he can get a foot hold in that market again. I also got the feeling he is very confident in telling me the way he did. He has a solid direction he is focusing his interests and he doesn't strike me as the type to deviate much on his business plans... Just my impressions from our conversation.

To me and how I see how its gone so far, is that the RC10 re-re sold... then... ?? So far that's as far as its gone. Everyone came out of the gate saying they were going to race them, then nobody did. Instead the car got discontinued and promptly people put the car on the shelf in the closet. I'm sure every manufacturer out there was waiting to see what happened and most of them thought it would do exactly as it did. Nothing or like a short fad of sorts. If a racing class emerged with them, then I could see more people jumping on the bandwagon. But it went stale.

If this new "Worlds" kit (Should it happen) goes through the same process, I expect the same results to be quite honest about it.

Just my 2 cents worth. :)

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:12 pm
by slotcarrod
Orange wrote:After asking Eustace about it at last years Cactus, his response to me was flat out no. After chatting with him for a bit I got the sense that he is interested in products that are intended for the long term and he doesn't really want to mess around with short term stuff... As you can tell he is getting more into racing products again and has a stronger focus on that and feels like he can get a foot hold in that market again. I also got the feeling he is very confident in telling me the way he did. He has a solid direction he is focusing his interests and he doesn't strike me as the type to deviate much on his business plans... Just my impressions from our conversation.

To me and how I see how its gone so far, is that the RC10 re-re sold... then... ?? So far that's as far as its gone. Everyone came out of the gate saying they were going to race them, then nobody did. Instead the car got discontinued and promptly people put the car on the shelf in the closet. I'm sure every manufacturer out there was waiting to see what happened and most of them thought it would do exactly as it did. Nothing or like a short fad of sorts. If a racing class emerged with them, then I could see more people jumping on the bandwagon. But it went stale.

If this new "Worlds" kit (Should it happen) goes through the same process, I expect the same results to be quite honest about it.

Just my 2 cents worth. :)
Very well said Orange!

Should be hard for me to say after being told some choice words in a PM from you regarding the "Detonator". However I will always give my opinion, speak the truth and give credit when due! Well spoken! 8)

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:38 pm
by aeiou
Being a "limited release," I doubt AE would've moved forward with the classic kit had additional kits not been part of the plan. The list of common parts makes the whole rere adventure more financially feasible (fingers crossed for a RC10T kit as well). Whether or not rere kits end up unopened in collections or as runners probably isn't that much of a concern for AE.

On another note, I'd love to know what the rere spare parts sales are to date. I know I've purchased a few. I bet Tower would have a hard time keeping certain Stealth transmission parts in stock. :wink:

Only the insiders know for sure, but it's fun to speculate. :D

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:23 pm
by ca-rj
The Announcement...sort of.


Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:30 pm
by harvey
B4 front wheels??

Re: #6002

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:31 pm
by hawgfanman
Is the chassis milled? It doesn't look like it to me.