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Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:19 pm
by moto-steve
The seeds were sewn decades ago as far as our economy goes. Today we are reaping those decisions, if everyone does not have a job, then who cares that made in china is cheaper!! I grew up in chicago on the south side, and while the factories were running people earned a real living wage.You bought a new care every few years for cash, the neigborhood was filled with detroit metal Chevells,mustangs,gtos, camaros,firebirds, and sometime a vette went buy and everybody just stopped. The factories closed and there went any good living,you guys hit the head on the nail, pure greed and share holders are important.Why since they work for a dollar a day has the cost of everything gone up,yet our wages have very slightly risen. A certain party favors corporate people, the others favor average to poor,seems like an easy choice to me.But they seperate us on stupid issues.How are the wars going that bankrupted us.Stock market recovered looong ago, but there is still more work to be done, sorry for long post but if AE makes a re re i think i might buy one.What can i do its a cool item to have. We have watched our country go to hell.. Wish i could do more but i am only one person. :(

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:45 pm
by askbob
I get around A LOT and see all types of manufacturing that still goes on in the States. Chicago in particular is really massive in it's manufacturing ability to this day, but with the wages not what they once were for reasons already stated. I'm all for the underdog and the up and coming guy, but a lot of foreign nationals are in those job positions now. That is also another wage problem; the fact our government allows floods of work visas and these manufacturing companies can't get enough of the cheap labor. I see it every week. Combine that with the importing from all of the slave labor countries and we are screwed. I see that end of it too with all of the intermodal shipments. Pay real close attention sometime of how many ship containers you see driving around the Highways and Interstates on the back of a semi truck.

Just up the road from where I grew up is Cummins engine company. Up until about 10-15 years ago, most blue collar employees were making $80k-100k+ with an outstanding retirement program. I'm talking guys loading trucks, assembly line, and lower management making some serious wages with overtime. A non-union job too. A few years ago when they were still hiring, the starting wage was somewhere around $12 per hour with nowhere near the benefits. A huge thanks goes out to NAFTA and greedy corporations. :roll:

... back to RC....
.... ok Kooz, time to give up the inside scoop... :)

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:00 am
by RichieRich
Wow, this thread went sideways...

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:12 am
by MelvinsArmy
RichieRich wrote:Wow, this thread went sideways...
Just stating the obvious. American Icon outsourced to China. Why celebrate that? Why buy it?

I really hope I'm just jumping to conclusions.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:00 am
by Synergy
So basically Thunder Tiger has bought some good old American history and now they're going to cash in on it.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:23 am
by wydraz
Wherever it's made - I'm buying one.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:50 am
by Synergy
Me too me thinks.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:20 am
by Coelacanth
Synergy wrote:So basically Thunder Tiger has bought some good old American history and now they're going to cash in on it.
The same thing happened with drums; an Asian company bought out the "Rogers" name, a classic vintage American drum maker, and a few years later, churned out some piece-of-crap entry-level Rogers "Prospector" drums bearing the same logo. Needless to say, they didn't sell very well. The people who cared--the vintage drum lovers who loved that brand--saw them for the junk that they were, and the target market who would be interested in entry-level drums had no idea about the legacy of Rogers drums and wouldn't give a damn about the iconic logo.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:44 am
by slotcarrod
Thunder Tiger (of Taiwan) is a good parent company. They have the manufacturing resources and the money to make things happen. When Gene was looking for ways to compete with the RTR's from Traxxas and the likes. He went to TT for help, and built a great relationship! It was only natural that when Gene and the other owners wanted to cash in that TT would be a great choice! TT lets AE operate as a separate entity. If you ever get a chance to see the AE facility you will see that all the employees are American! Yes production and manufacturing are off shore, as sadly it's cheaper in China! You guys ever think how the Taiwanese workers must feel, seeing their jobs go to China? In the end it's all about the money! But remember, the design, the R&D, testing, advertising, distribution and sales are all still in the USA!

If AE makes a re re exact copy of the RC10, I will be getting one.... Or two! :mrgreen: We can only hope right?

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:53 am
by kink
Well that is comforting that some of the operation is still in the USA.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:06 pm
by RC10resto
slotcarrod wrote: If you ever get a chance to see the AE facility you will see that all the employees are American!
Yup, no Canadians in sight :P

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:18 pm
by jwscab
the products my company manufactures are designed and tested here, and are assembled in Taiwan.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:45 pm
by Orange
The Hearing Aids we sell are made in the good ole USA... I'm sure most of the parts that is used to make a Hearing aid circuit is not... But as far as assembly of the circuit board, all the internals, the shell, the faceplate, etc... MADE in the USA. :) The circuits I use to make a hearing aid is also all USA, :)

Try to have a conversation with the people at the plant making them... Might be another story. They are legally here though. And since they are made in Minneapolis, i'm sure there are a few Canadiens there. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:46 pm
by SFC K
I so hope the sell them again. One can only hope they do. But, As soon as I saw the add I was searching online to see if there was any info on the add. Nothing but crickets. :(

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:48 pm
by kaiser
Orange wrote:The Hearing Aids we sell are made in the good ole USA... I'm sure most of the parts that is used to make a Hearing aid circuit is not... But as far as assembly of the circuit board, all the internals, the shell, the faceplate, etc... MADE in the USA. :)
are they affordable?