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Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:17 am
by wydraz
ca-rj wrote:I won't buy one unless it's just like the original, 6 gear trans and all. The whole point is to own a re--release of the kit that started it all. But I also have a re-re Grasshopper and Lunch Box.
I think you'll be happy in a few weeks :)

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:37 am
by MelvinsArmy
If it's made in China, I'm not going to be happy (or buying one) in a few weeks.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:42 am
by LTO_Dave
I thought it would be neat to show the old and new ads together to see how things were edited:


Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:04 am
by kink
MelvinsArmy wrote:If it's made in China, I'm not going to be happy (or buying one) in a few weeks.
That is a good point. It would be odd to add a made in China kit to an all American collection. It would definately take the edge off. Anyone else have thoughts on this?...

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:49 am
by kaiser
kink wrote:
MelvinsArmy wrote:If it's made in China, I'm not going to be happy (or buying one) in a few weeks.
That is a good point. It would be odd to add a made in China kit to an all American collection. It would definately take the edge off. Anyone else have thoughts on this?...

i have no issue with it until this country can get off it's arse and start manufacturing alot of things again.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:55 am
by scr8p
just think of all those people putting "made in china" protech and viper bodies on their "made in america" rc10's now.

i don't care, i'm still gonna buy more than one. :wink:

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:12 am
by MelvinsArmy
kaiser wrote:
kink wrote:
MelvinsArmy wrote:If it's made in China, I'm not going to be happy (or buying one) in a few weeks.
That is a good point. It would be odd to add a made in China kit to an all American collection. It would definately take the edge off. Anyone else have thoughts on this?...

i have no issue with it until this country can get off it's arse and start manufacturing alot of things again.
We do manufacture things in America. You just have to get off your arse and find them. It's not as simple as blaming it on a lazy country. Blame it on the companies that move the jobs over to China to increase profits (because they're greedy, or more concerned about share holders than you and I). Don't support the companies who do ship the jobs over seas. It's not always possible to do that, but it many cases it is. So, get off your ass and give it a shot!

A made in China gold tub. :lol: Seriously? I hope it is made in USA, but I'd be surprised.

Jason, I've never had a Chinese Protech or Viper. :wink:

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:24 am
by kaiser
i never said lazy.

we (as a country) need to make a change, i'm not sure what that change is, but something needs to be done or we are done.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:52 am
by scr8p
MelvinsArmy wrote:Jason, I've never had a Chinese Protech or Viper. :wink:
you haven't built an rc10 buggy in the last 5+ years that could have possibly needed one either. :P :lol: :lol:

that i can recall anyway.... :wink:

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:12 am
by jwscab
doesn't someone own associated now?

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:15 am
by scr8p
thunder tiger

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:39 am
by kink
The UK is as guilty as any other nation of buying 95% of it's stuff from China. Made up statistic, but you get my drift. Most people do not care as all they want is the lowest price for everything. Ideally something for nothing. That is our culture today. Hardly anyone wants to pay extra for quality and the knowledge we are helping our our country and countrymen. The pride of ownership and patriotic duty has vanished. We live in a cheap disposable age where only the short term price matters. The long term consequences are ignored.

Yet those same people hunting for the lowest price abroad will no doubt moan there are not enough jobs in their own country. Or moan about the crap economy in general, pointing their fingers at others. They are failing to join the dots and realize as consumers they must take some of the blame for the mess we are all in. When a product is made in UK or USA it benefits our own economy. Jobs are given to our own countrymen. Those workers earing a wage then spend their income on goods - ideally home grown goods - such as cars, hifi, going out in restaurants, whatever. So that money then flows back into the economy all over again, helping another wave of people in jobs. This goes on and on, helping everyone around us. But as soon as anyone gives their money to China, we all suffer that loss. While China gets another helping hand. You do realize that China now owns America don't you? (Through loans).

The only way to solve this issue of inbalance of imports to exports is via taxes. Anything being imported from China should receive a 100% additional tax (ie doubling the price of all imports). Then it will finally make economic sense for products to be manufactured again in the UK and USA. Until that time no company can or will attempt to compete with communist slave wages.

/ 2p

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:44 am
by kaiser
if it wasn't for china i wouldn't be able to afford this hobby period.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:57 am
by Coelacanth
Kink is on the right track. The U.S. is capable of all the manufacturing in the's the COST that's the problem. It's just not cost-effective to do it in USA where wages have to be fair & honest. USA generally can't get away with running sweat-shops. Until China gets off ITS ass and starts treating their laborers fairly, and stops undervaluing its currency to keep their product costs at an unfairly, dishonestly cheap price, not to mention all the other rules I'm sure they're breaking, American manufacturing doesn't stand a chance.

China is well known for cheating when it comes to international trade policies because the laws don't extend to China. You can crap on your own local workers and cheat the rest of the world only so long before it all blows up in your face. It just takes a lot longer when you're a communist nation.

Re: Intriguing ad in RC Car Action

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:59 am
by Coelacanth
kaiser wrote:if it wasn't for china i wouldn't be able to afford this hobby period.
Agreed. That's not to say their foreign trade policies are fair or honest, though. The scales are (currently) now all tipped in their favor. One day there'll be a major backlash in China's labor force, though.