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Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:47 am
by pedro
I'm late on this i know but i just saw it, that it horrid to say the least as for growing on you so do warts but it doesn't mean you have to like them.
Slightly off topic but when the original rc10 was first reviewed bitd by one of the US mags the reviewer said the protec body was so ugly the paint wouldn't stick to it imagine if he saw this beast of a thing.....

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:46 am
by Percymon
A lot depends ont he colour scheme - the dark blue/range one makes it look very upright and elongated cab - almost like it has a rear seat for a passenger !

With the lighter and slightly disguising scheme of JHarris' i think it looks pretty good.

Trouble is we all know what a RC10 Classic should look like, so anything too different takes time to adjust to

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:27 am
by Lonestar
Sorry guys, can't resist... this been just posted on a french forum... I think it's (unfortunately) spot-on...


(that's a once-popular 50yo Citroen, btw)


Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:38 am
by pedro
the other thing is if this was made by another company than jconcepts it would have been dismissed completely by now and renamed the turd :)

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:26 am
by ra272
Well, paint it black, with a Halloween paint, it could be cool.


Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:26 am
by askbob

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 10:37 am
by jwscab
BUT even all those highbrow cars have a decent A pillar layback.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 11:49 am
by Y'ernat Al
pedro wrote:..Slightly off topic but when the original rc10 was first reviewed bitd by one of the US mags the reviewer said the protec body was so ugly the paint wouldn't stick to it.....
That's actually exactly on topic imo Peter. Look around in 1984, everything looked like a Chenowth, and people were throwing (the nice thick shelled, wavy netted protech) shells away and putting on Rough Rider bodies, until they "grew" on folks. Go to TBG if you want something regurgitated. I applaud them for sticking their neck out and making something that (OK, admittedly from 150 feet away :lol: ) you can clearly tell is a detonator.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:19 pm
by JHarris
You're exactly right. The vintage market is not a huge market for manufacturers, yet JConcepts has chosen to support it by making a new (not reproduced) body, tires and wheels of the period correct size and option parts to enhance the performance and appearance of the vehicle. I applaud Jason Ruona for taking this risk while knowing that the sales probably won't even cover the design and manufacturing costs. Knowing Jason personally and speaking with him almost daily about these cars I can tell you that the JConcepts involvement comes solely as a result of his love for the RC10. I also know that the RC10 products were not supported by others at JConcepts, so Jason stepped off the line and did it on his own. While I may be a team driver and friend of his, my support of this line of products comes out of my appreciation for a company willing to take a chance on something new. If Proline, AKA, Panther or anyone else were to produce tires/wheels for this car I would applaud their efforts too. Sadly, I don't think you will see any such products since the market doesn't suggest a profit for those items.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:29 pm
by Y'ernat Al
JHarris wrote:..The tires and wheels are a hit with me. The rear are 1.7 and the fronts are 1.9. They are only planning to produce green Double Dees and green Rips until the market shows a demand for more. Lets hope the vintage thing catches on so more parts are produced through the aftermarket.
J, Is the bead on the tires designed such that you can pinch them into Jelly Beans? Or will glue be necessary?

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:34 pm
by JHarris
Right now there's only one set and I haven't had a chance to molest them. Based on the wheels they are sitting on I assume they are your typical glue type bead. With todays motors, batteries, track surfaces and tire compounds/designs a pinch wheel wouldn't work very well anyway. I will check and get you a definitive answer though.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:38 pm
by Y'ernat Al
JHarris wrote:Right now there's only one set and I haven't had a chance to molest them. Based on the wheels they are sitting on I assume they are your typical glue type bead. With todays motors, batteries, track surfaces and tire compounds/designs a pinch wheel wouldn't work very well anyway. I will check and get you a definitive answer though.
Copy, I get it that the green rubber means if you don't glue them at the lip, you will fill that with dirt, but just curious.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:50 pm
by TheSpeedway
jwscab wrote:BUT even all those highbrow cars have a decent A pillar layback.


Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:18 pm
by TheSpeedway
[quote="Y'ernat Al"] That's actually exactly on topic imo Peter. Look around in 1984, everything looked like a Chenowth, and people were throwing (the nice thick shelled, wavy netted protech) shells away and putting on Rough Rider bodies, until they "grew" on folks. [quote]

This is close to correct from my experience as well.

The original opinion was that the Protech body looked like a cover to keep the dirt out of the pan that had a roll cage added. This is why I bought a basic kit without the body. I still don’t love them. The reason that the body gained support is because it was made to fit the shock tower and had enough thickness that it wasn’t guillotined in half when you got upside down.

If you look at the original RC10 lit you will see a body on the prototypes that looks like a Super Champ copy. That’s what I ran and it lasted one evening. I was still sorting the car out and it was coming off the jumps sideways so I drove upside down a fair amount. I later went with the Protech just so it would last.

Re: jconcepts detonator for rc10

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:31 pm
by ca-rj
It will be a waste if they don't fit the stock 3 piece wheels. There's already enough of us shelling out money for 2.2 wheels and tires, I can't see many buying yet another size that is almost stock, but not quite and needing yet another set of wheels.
JHarris wrote:Right now there's only one set and I haven't had a chance to molest them. Based on the wheels they are sitting on I assume they are your typical glue type bead. With todays motors, batteries, track surfaces and tire compounds/designs a pinch wheel wouldn't work very well anyway. I will check and get you a definitive answer though.