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Re: Carbon Graphite Chassis Refurb

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:28 pm
by scr8p
As with everything, it's all in the prep and products used. Every graphite chassis I have restored I use a DuPont 2322s adhesion promoter for plastic as my "clear coat". It's super thin, goes on super flat and dries to a nice satin sheen. Now granted, most of the ones I've done have not seen use. But I have installed and removed electronics in them and the servo tape does not pull it off.

The one chassis I did was used at the '08 Vonats and it doesn't really look any worse than an untouched used graphite chassis I have.

Now if I was going to try filling in scratches I would first use the adhesion promoter. Then build the clear up on that. Much better chance of it sticking.