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Re: Currently Reading...(or just finished?)...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:57 pm
by Typicray@rainmans
"The Communist Manifesto" ya, that turned out to be a good plan :roll:

Re: Currently Reading...(or just finished?)...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:28 pm
by soniccj5
Reading "Programming Perl" - Tom Christiansen, Brian D. Foy and Larry Wall.

Just finished "The Racketeer" John Grisham.

Re: Currently Reading...(or just finished?)...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:33 pm
by justinspeed79
losiXXXman wrote:
justinspeed79 wrote:Right now I'm working on Einstein's Unfinished Symphony, Listening to the Sounds of Space-Time, by Marcia Bartusiak. It's about detecting gravitational waves. I used to read different genres, but pretty much only science/physics/space books anymore. Honestly, I can only understand about half of it, but I find it very interesting and thought provoking.
I liked Hawking's Brief History of TIme, and its the only cosmology book I've read. I kind of got burned out on cosmology after a few years of subscribing to Scientific American. almost every other issue, that was the cover article. That and particle physics.

If anyone remembers the television show Connections, hosted by James Burke, he (Burke) wrote several books that are great reads. Just like the show they trace the connections between scientific discoveries and the advancement of technologies that the discoveries made possible. Good stuff.
I haven't read Brief History of Time yet, but it's on my list. I did read Hawking's The Universe In A Nutshell, which I enjoyed and would recommend to some one looking for some relatively (no pun intended) light reading on the subject.