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Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:25 pm
jwscab wrote:hahhah, yeah, you can read it that, first 4 letters of my last name.

so what is the s.c.a.b.?
I believe it's the piece on the slipper that allows adjustment.

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:16 pm
by kaiser
Slipper Clutch Adjustment ? Bolt? Banjo? Bung?

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:53 pm
by klavy69
kaiser wrote:Slipper Clutch Adjustment ? Bolt? Banjo? Bung?
check out the 3rd picture down on his t4
toyranosaur gallery
I've read about these somewhere but can't find the info on it now. I'm sure its out there though...


Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:08 pm
by jon burrows
wow! that is some seriously sweet work! very impressive. really excited to see where this goes. best of luck & welcome.

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:43 pm
by 328isjohn
I have been using Haas machines for just over 15 years (2,4 and 7 with 4 th axis) they are great machines and very user friendly for programming.Great for tight tolerance parts and RC car parts :D
Good to see another fellow Haas user.

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:44 pm
by LowClassCC
the scab is a slipper clutch adjuster button.. it mounts on the gear cover. to adjust the slipper clutch you just push in on it and turn. when you are done a spring pops it back out and off of the adjuster nut. no additional tools needed.

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:46 am
by toyranosaur
Wow, you are all very kind and helpful with ideas, and have great senses of humour: I may spend more time here than I'd thought! For years, my 'home' forum has been, for the same reasons- Awesome builds, great people, etc. Nice to have found a new place, thanks to Mr. Doug Johnson for pointing the way Sir. :)

A couple chaps have sent links to parts to be made, but since I be a Nube (?) I can't see 'em 'til I post a few more things. The problem is quality content: I'm famous for useless, vaccuous posts trying to be funny & just clooging up the Interweb..... :roll: I shall try to take it up a notch & be somewhat interesting (ADMINS: Take note!) One Gent did PM me some pics of some pieces, and it really looks like I could focus on the RC10's for a while! I cut Aluminum, Delrin, and the odd bit of Titanium, and at risk of sounding all Prima Donna I put mucho effort (And machine/CAD time) into making things pretty, not just functional. Also, this is all I do for a living- No using other people's machines, and everything from design to CAD, toolpathing, finishing, & shipping is done by me: So things can happen pretty quick.

I have some ideas for RC10 parts as we speak- Nitro conversion, 6-wheel chassis, snow plow......(ADMIN: Sorry! There's that attempt at funny again..... :oops: ) Actually, just about anything- Technacraft-style wheels, arms, bulkheads, shock towers, tranny cases, you name it: I'll have to source a good anodizer that can replicate a nice vintage Gold, and the sky's the limit. Again, I do not own one of these (Yet!) so if there are chaps who can send parts for measurements, that will speed things up, plus these guys get a free part for the loan.

Another thing is, I'd count on your expertise as far as deviations from one model to the next- A part for 1 model may not work on a newer version, etc. so I'm sure you chaps can straighten me out on that. I have a screenshot of an RC10 wheel proto now, I'll dig it up & post it. For anyone who has not heard of me (Not a surprise!), I'll see about starting a thread with past part pics so you can decide if my stuff is up to snuff.

Well, getting longwinded here! That 2nd quadruple espresso is to blame....Lastly, if anyone wants to contact me directly, it's [email protected] with any thoughts, ideas, or just to B.S. Cheers for now! Chris REC

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:46 am
by klavy69
all right...this is your guys chance to get your MIP 4wd parts/setup replicated :wink:


Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:30 pm
by Lowgear
I don't know how I missed this thread! Long time no see! :mrgreen:

For what it's worth I just want to add that Chris has been around as long as I can remember, (like a decade) and does some of the best work you will ever see. I know rules are rules but he's an exception if anybody is one. Definitely a great and welcomed addition to the board. 8)

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:28 pm
by toyranosaur
Why Thank'ee, Lowgear! This is where you've been hanging out, eh? I really appreciate the endorsement Mate. :D I've only posted in the last couple days, so it'd be easy to miss!

The old Mip 4WD thing crossed my mind- I've never gotten a good look at 'em, I know they're cable-powered, and a few years ago I visited Eustace at MIP & told him I'd give anything if he had a NIB one of the he'd part with- Sadly, no getty.... :( If anyone wants to post some pics, I should be able to ascertain whether it could be replicated. Heck, maybe Eustace still has the specs & would let me peek at 'em? Or not? Interesting either way, and I like interesting stuff! That's one reason I don't do contract work- Regular machine-shop jobs would put me in a coma (YAWN.)

So, how about some Gold-ano'd SCABs for a starter project? They can be cut within the week, back from the anodizer prolly 2 weeks after that, and available within a month. Honestly, I'm looking to commit to a car to do parts for right now, so RC10 parts could be right around the corner: Pics & suggestions will get the ball rolling! Chris P.S. Cooper pic just for the heck of it....

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:29 pm
by toyranosaur
All paint!

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:41 pm
by farmer
How's about some wheel adapters for a easy first project , 1/4" to 12mm with the correct offset that would be sweet
Thx farmer

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:58 pm
Huh, what happened??? I logged on 3 days ago and finally came out of the daze. My wife left me, I lost my job... I'm not even sure this is my house. :? Are Sonny and Cher still together??

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:42 pm
by Bormac
Hello Chris and welcome to the best vintage site/forum on the net.
Actually I think it is us that should feel honored with your presense here. I have seen a lot if your wirknand you sir are a true master at what you do.
There are a few others here who also fabricate parts but it would seem you do things on entirely different level (which is great).

As far as the RC10 goes you'll find intense interest in the MIP 4WD conversion kit. MIP were looking at doing a rerelease type run a while back but that seems to have gone no where now. You'll find no end of people wanting parts and complete conversions for the RC10 here.

Also, pipe frame might not be your thing but 'real racing' scale cages also capture a lit of attention too.

Best of luck and Thankyou for taking interest in us.
Cheers- Jason

Re: New member, potential vendor, and RC10 fan!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:15 pm
by Lowgear
toyranosaur wrote:Why Thank'ee, Lowgear! This is where you've been hanging out, eh? I really appreciate the endorsement Mate. :D I've only posted in the last couple days, so it'd be easy to miss!
Yeah, I eventually migrated here from ClodTalk although I still post there from time to time. Watch out as Halgars floating around here as well. :lol: