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Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:53 pm
by EvolutionRevolution
I only own :lol: I do have a RC10LSS and RC10L, though.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:09 pm
by Jedi Master
The forum is called, so was it started to specifically cover that topic? Does it matter that it has grown to cover other subjects? On the basis of the other sub-forums that have been created; you'd have to say no. If you wanted to keep the forum foucused on RC10 related stuff then the rule would support that, but surely the forum would be making a u-turn in regards to the non-RC10 related input?

I joined this forum specifically for RC10 related reasons, but am happy to post my thoughts on other non-RC10 topics. The title of the forum will always attract RC10 related interest first, so is it ever going to be in danger of getting too generalised??

Maybe you should run a 'poll' asking people why they joined? I'm guessing the main reason will be for RC10 related interests. :)

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:46 pm
by Synergy
I can remember at the time I was one of those in favour of a new set of forums for different makes to be shared and discussed but to be shared and discussed by RC10 enthusiasts.

I agree that a true RC10 enthusiast will have an interest in most if not all other vintage RC cars but not all vintage RC car enthusiasts will have an interest in RC10 and that should be the minimum requirement for a new member here otherwise we are just heading towards another Tamiyaclub :( lots of different members with lots of different interests not always living comfortably together imho.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:49 pm
by MelvinsArmy
I feel pretty comfortable and I've been here since day 1.

I'm pretty sure I spend most of my time in the Tamiya section here. I am not a member of Tamiyaclub, and I don't plan to join. I like it here.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:08 pm
by civilguy
I joined to find an outlet for some dusty old rc parts I pinched from my cousin's basement... I had to quickly pad my post count but saving the ebay fees was well worth it.

Just to stick to the new rule though here's a pic of my RC10:
Mine... not the site_logo.gif
Mine... not the site_logo.gif (17.66 KiB) Viewed 760 times
Mine... not the site_logo.gif
Mine... not the site_logo.gif (17.66 KiB) Viewed 760 times
I tried to get as my user name but it didn't like the 'dot'. :lol:

Seriously, my vote would be to not add any more requirements. Just enforce the rules as they stand... I like the expanded 'Non-RC10' forums as, just like the gold pans do, other models bring back memories too. That's why I joined in the first place: I'm old and want to be a kid still. ;)

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:12 pm
MelvinsArmy wrote:I'm pretty sure I spend most of my time in the Tamiya section here. I am not a member of Tamiyaclub, and I don't plan to join. I like it here.
I use to be all over the web, but just don't have the energy anymore. This and my home track are the only forums I post in anymore. There are a lot of sections on here that I go in very little or not at all. No real reason other than I just don't feel like it. Mainly the BST because I always wanna buy something if I go in there. :lol:

I like that the site now represents all things vintage and I think it would be futile to make a rule like that. Plus we wouldn't get the pleasure of watching the drama unfold every once in a while... :lol:

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:21 pm
by Hcp22
My resound to join RC10Talk was the broad knowledge of vintage RC cars. Had it just been exclusive for RC10, then I hadn’t joined up.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:28 pm
by Zipster
For what it's worth, I think the rules y'all have set up are pretty good and make for a pretty vibrant community.

I think an ownership rule would be both a real pain to enforce (anyone who really wants to can find a way to fake ownership of an RC10) , and would have a negative effect on people who are either just getting back into the hobby or even those who don't/can't have a lot of cars and may between RC10s...

Frankly, I wish I had spent time on the site before I bought mine - would have made some better initial choices.... :roll:

So, as a relatively new guy here, I would say it's one of the more interesting and pleasant forums I've been a part of for any of my hobbies.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:21 pm
by scr8p
we've always had a non-rc10 section. it's just that they were all together. it was the non-rc10 "forum". a couple years ago, we gave most of the "other" companies there own place, mainly to make searching for stuff easier.

so with that being said, you can't really make someone own an rc10 to become a member of this forum when we pretty much cater to all of them (yokomo, kyosho, etc.).

as for the rules, when this place started, there were only 4. the first 4 that are still there. as the years went on, things came up and more had to be added to cover those issues. hopefully we won't have to add any more........ believe me, i don't want to. but, if a situation comes along that warrants another, so be it.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:33 pm
by 8rad
Bad idea! Not owning an RC10 can in no way be an indication of any other attributes of a new member. Lots of idiots own RC10s too!

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:42 pm
by shirochanwrx
MelvinsArmy wrote:I only own 1 RC10. :wink:
I also own only one RC10, and I wouldn't have purchased it if not for joining

I have multiple vintage Losi's and a TRX-1 ... even if I hadn't purchased an RC10, I think that this forum both benefits from and serves non-RC10 owners. The discussions here revolve around issues for which the RC10 is emblematic, but not unique, including restoration of vintage r/c cars, discussion of historic r/c races and personalities, the discussion of vintage vs. retro vs. repro vs. rip-off ... these issues and topic interest and impact people far beyond those who merely own RC10s.

Does JohnnySr get bounced because he had to sell his?

I think that the sandbox is big enough for everybody. Besides, people like that pink Rampage dude get bounced pretty quick, and frankly, it's pretty funny to see. I don't think that is too much to deal with.

You want the mods to somehow police actual RC10 ownership before allowing people from all over the world to join?! How would that actually be executed, exactly, Syn? Would a picture do? How about you have to mail Scr8p your nose plate with a self-addressed envelope for proof?

I'm guessing that there might be some nose plates of a particular vintage that may get "lost in the mail" more than others ... the mods are only human, after all, at least as far as I know.

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:47 pm
by purpletimbo
I joined because I purchased a NIB RC10NDS, buggies weren't my scene as I don't race, I now own the CC raffle car, and will never part with it, so joining here made me an RC10 owner, rather than the other way round :D

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:18 pm
by shane
8rad wrote:Bad idea! Not owning an RC10 can in no way be an indication of any other attributes of a new member. Lots of idiots own RC10s too!
:lol: LMAO, so true!

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:53 pm
by Charlie don't surf
shirochanwrx wrote: You want the mods to somehow police actual RC10 ownership before allowing people from all over the world to join?! How would that actually be executed, exactly, Syn? Would a picture do? How about you have to mail Scr8p your nose plate with a self-addressed envelope for proof?
Wow, you have gotten comfortable here pretty quick :lol:

All joking/poking aside I think that the artist formerly known as Feretti a longtime member-was/is just trying to help protect or solidify our community in his own way- I had asked a year or two ago what members were doing to keep rc10talk strong by publicizing of sharing the site to continue membership and I was surprised at the responses I had received not really being of the same opinion as me and it kind of bugged me at the time. Now I understand a little better :wink:

Re: Discuss.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:16 pm
by Diggley
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

RC10talk is responsible for my renewed interest in a hobby I nearly gave up on.

If it weren't for all the great restorations & custom builds of all makes & models on here, my B2 would've never been touched again. (it literally hadn't been run in almost a decade.)
Within months it went from dusty parts & inspiration from builds on this site, to being a "Readers Ride".
Not a big deal to some, but it was pretty cool to me.

Now I'm knee deep in nearly a half a dozen projects at the same time.

Before I joined RC10talk, I already owned a GT, a B2, a DS, and a couple other makes & models....but,.. suprise!, no gold pan other than a few left over parts..
Only the GT saw occasional use.

Since then, I've bought the RC car of my dreams: a Tamiya Sand Scorcher, a Traxxas Slash (for both my son & myself), built a scale dune buggy from mostly recycled parts, & started a resto-custom build on a left for dead (in the middle of the road) Tamiya Blackfoot.

To ban anyone from "the club" just because they don't have hundred$ (or more) wrapped up in a chunk of pale gold anodized aluminum would be disservice to any fan with a common interest.

So, isn't just being a fan of a particular car enough?...I've got three of some of Associated's best (pre-Taiwan) cars, but I can't be part of the gang because I sold my gold pan years ago?

Besides, isn't the whole point of this site not to just show off, but to inspire others to join in on the fun? :D

Just my 2 cents worth...