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Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:27 pm
by aeiou
civilguy wrote:
N2Deep wrote:hundreds of thousands of black plastic "caskets" just right outside of Atlanta.
That part lost me... what were the caskets? :?:
I think he's talking about a story from a while back where there were some folks who panicked about some plastic casket vault/liners (the things caskets must go into now when someone is buried) that were being "stockpiled" near Atlanta. It turned out to be a storage yard for the company that manufactures the things.

No argument that Atlanta has financial troubles, along with many cities, counties, states, etc.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:05 pm
by MelvinsArmy
N2Deep wrote:Johnny, I heard that Atlanta, Georgia had to shut off the lights on the highway so that the city can save money on the utility bill. Those lights were providing ambience to the highway system that were at times 10 lanes across both directions. Now for the city to do that, it just tells me that something ain't right. Plus, I also saw that there were hundreds of thousands of black plastic "caskets" just right outside of Atlanta. The owner of the land who leased this property took a stranger on a tour and it's amazing that there were so many of these plastic tubs. These tubs were about 6 ft long and about 4ft x 4ft. It even had covers for them. Like I said, something isn't adding up here. Am I paranoid, but to think that the government of Japan want to pay outsiders to go back to their country for a few thousand dollars and while yours truly here was working a short time at an aluminum foundry company only to find out that Honda is taking a good size of work back to Japan tells me that they were already preparing for the shortage of work. That was two years ago. So I might consider moving to Australia because that is where Oprah and her fans are going.

This might be the most amazing post I've ever read on RC10talk.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:34 pm
by Charlie don't surf

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:34 pm
by Konich
Weird, my collection has grown.

2 year ago I was laid off as an Architect, I started my own motorcycle repair/parts/apparel with little more than some knowledge and a couple dollars in my pocket (seriously) is now a multi-million dollar company and I'm doing better now then when I was an Architect.

Basically in times like this some people bitch and that "woes me" attitude doesn't sit well with me....YOU can always do something to change YOUR life. Sit and wait for something to happen, or make something happen pretty easy.

In the great depression a lot of people suffered, some made a killing......I like killing :mrgreen:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:41 pm
by N2Deep
I don't think anyone really knows if they were supposed to use as caskets but the black plastic tubs could be used as so when there is a crisis, not to be a fear monger or to add any more fuel to the fire already. But one thing is for sure, Atlanta is a very big city, the surrounding cities also add quite a population size. I think when the citizens finds out about certain truths, there may or may not be civil unrest. Chicago for a time now has already ban handguns completely. Your right to bear arms is limited to shotguns and rifles in the home, so you can't carry a handgun with or without a permit. I also find it interesting that when BP had the massive oil leak down by the gulf coast, they claim that the millions of gallons of oil just disappeared. Sure, clean up is going to take place and the EPA will try to resolve this but there is no public outcry about this anywhere. The Oil has already penetrated the soil and soak under a few meters deep. Lesson learned from the Exxon Veldez spiil up in Alaska has shown that people who were cleaning up the oil spill were contaminated with the cleaning procedures and this lead to many people who died from over exposure to such harmful contaminants. I guess god does stand for gold, oil and the dollar; which is backed up by absolutely nothing but the faith of the people. As far as my r/c collection goes, it is weighted in heavily. I have too many parts that are just laying around, most cars are built the parts may need to be sold first.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:56 pm
by peetbee
Ok, I think you're getting just a teensy weensy little bit paranoid now :shock:
I think I may stay off this part of the forum if conspiracy theories start coming out!

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:58 pm
by Charlie don't surf
2 things that you really don't bring up at a party are Politics and Religion- I'm just sayin-

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:00 am
by Johnboy72
Yeah, I tell that to my soldiers too. But honestly, I wonder sometimes what the hell our government is thinking. I know there is some dark secrets. But I don't know. Just some things that make you say hmmm. But yeah, think this is getting too deep for me.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:28 am
by Mazdaj
civilguy wrote:
N2Deep wrote:hundreds of thousands of black plastic "caskets" just right outside of Atlanta.
That part lost me... what were the caskets? :?:
The show with Jesse Ventura- "Conspiracy Theory". I watched it last night and the "caskets" were part of the story. Basically, the conspiracy is that the US government is building detention camps and stockpiling caskets,etc. for when we turn into a martial law country. It seemed a bit far-fetched, but to each his own. If you can catch the show it may shed some light on it. Wow, this thread went in a different direction.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:05 pm
by N2Deep
Jesse Ventura knows something and he is doing his good deed for us who don't know anything. All he is asking is that we do our faithful duty to ask questions. Sure, the twin towers fell but what about the third building that also fell, and no plane crashed that building. People don't know and they don't want to hear the bad news, they just want to go to church on Sunday to worship the Sun, pay their tithing, and get their ticket punched to they not know that HaSatan has dominion over Earth.

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:29 pm
by scr8p
in my opinion, you seem to go N2Deep on your thought process as to whether you keep your stuff or not. :wink:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:57 pm
by slotcarrod
I thought Atlanta was abandoned full of zombies now? :lol:

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:08 pm
by Incredible_Serious
slotcarrod wrote:I thought Atlanta was abandoned full of zombies now? :lol:
Now??? You mean it wasn't before???

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:11 pm
by Lowgear
N2Deep wrote:Jesse Ventura knows something and he is doing his good deed for us who don't know anything. All he is asking is that we do our faithful duty to ask questions. Sure, the twin towers fell but what about the third building that also fell, and no plane crashed that building. People don't know and they don't want to hear the bad news, they just want to go to church on Sunday to worship the Sun, pay their tithing, and get their ticket punched to they not know that HaSatan has dominion over Earth.
I know what you mean. *Puts on tin foil hat*

Re: Dumping your vintage r/c collection.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:27 am
by MelvinsArmy
MelvinsArmy wrote:
N2Deep wrote:Johnny, I heard that Atlanta, Georgia had to shut off the lights on the highway so that the city can save money on the utility bill. Those lights were providing ambience to the highway system that were at times 10 lanes across both directions. Now for the city to do that, it just tells me that something ain't right. Plus, I also saw that there were hundreds of thousands of black plastic "caskets" just right outside of Atlanta. The owner of the land who leased this property took a stranger on a tour and it's amazing that there were so many of these plastic tubs. These tubs were about 6 ft long and about 4ft x 4ft. It even had covers for them. Like I said, something isn't adding up here. Am I paranoid, but to think that the government of Japan want to pay outsiders to go back to their country for a few thousand dollars and while yours truly here was working a short time at an aluminum foundry company only to find out that Honda is taking a good size of work back to Japan tells me that they were already preparing for the shortage of work. That was two years ago. So I might consider moving to Australia because that is where Oprah and her fans are going.

This might be the most amazing post I've ever read on RC10talk.
Okay, I take this statement back.

I think this might be the most amazing post I've ever read on RC10talk:
N2Deep wrote:Jesse Ventura knows something and he is doing his good deed for us who don't know anything. All he is asking is that we do our faithful duty to ask questions. Sure, the twin towers fell but what about the third building that also fell, and no plane crashed that building. People don't know and they don't want to hear the bad news, they just want to go to church on Sunday to worship the Sun, pay their tithing, and get their ticket punched to they not know that HaSatan has dominion over Earth.
The only former wrestler I take any advice from is Mr T. Be good to yer momma fool!

If you really believe ANY of the 9/11 conspiracies, go here:

Or if you'd like the cliff notes by someone with who's thought about conspiracy theories WAY more than Jesse The Body and you and me and "everyone on this site" (sorry, couldn't resist) then check this out: