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Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:18 am
by askbob
:lol: :mrgreen:


Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:19 am
by slotcarrod
askbob wrote:Rod, you are right on with this, with the exception of the un-educated part. The trucking industry has become another victim of big business types who are also willing to put any luke warm body behind the wheel. The top 'Big' companies have made it their mission to own all the freight and squeeze out every last independent. With that also comes the next nationality of driver who will do the job for even less. Same story it seems for so many different types of business.

I hope your daughter is ok and can find a way to deal with the misfortune.

For this and various other reasons, I've seriously considered installing a dash cam.
Thanks Bob

A dash cam is a great idea and the Russians have it right, but in my daughters case, the cop who witnessed it said the plate was covered with snow! What pisses me off is, why did the cop not give chase or call for assistance? :roll:

Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:45 am
by askbob
You'd think if everyone was ok, the cop would have made a pursuit. Atleast radio ahead or something.

Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:50 pm
by slotcarrod
Just so NO ONE feels left out! I want to say that I got cut off by a white male on my way to work! It seems that a dual turn meant nothing to him and my lane was his! :roll: Must have been from Russia! :lol:

BTW useless cop was white too! :roll:

Just so U know CRAP comes in all colours!

I want U all to know, I have great friends in all shades! I grew up in Jamaica for crying out loud! My best friend that I consider like a brother is BLACK. Another very best friend is East Indian! I have a few great Chinese friends as well! So if you want to take this all as racist? Fill your boots! I call it like it is and sadly these NEW Canadians do not meet the driving requirements! They could be a Nobel Peace Prize winner! Does not make them a good driver! It is what it is! BAD TRAINING!

Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:31 pm
by scr8p
is it really worth it?

i have a feeling when i wake up in the morning i'll wish i had just moved this thread. you probably will too depending on what you say next. that would be a hint. just because you don't find the things you post offensive does not mean other members approve of it.


This needs no explanation, if i see something that i know is a racist reference, no matter how subtle, I will kick you off the board for however long I feel like.

Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:54 am
by slotcarrod
Please just delete the thread scr8p! It was just a place to vent! I can't change the TALENT or "colour" of the drivers. Sadly, I don't see the TALENT changing for us! :roll:

Looks like a squealing pig in the pen got hit with a stone!

Re: A Different Type of Road Rage

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:59 pm
by 4.whoa
I will agree that the "new breed " of truck drivers is............ less then desirable.

I was driving trucks before I was 12 - but NO I never have done any farming and honsetly "farm" trucks are things you need to be very wary of buy the way. I am actually embarrassed to tell people I drive a truck anymore because so many of these " steering wheel holders" give the rest of us such a bad rep. The last 3 trucks I've had have all been hit while parked by such drivers.:x
However, dont forget the people who dont know how to drive around/near a truck. people contsantly cut me off so close that I cant see 1/2 of their car! they can't wait a whole 2 seconds before coming over!

A few years ago there was a "motorist assist" (hwy patrol guy) helping a guy who ran out of gas on the left shoulder just about on a bridge. the STATE LAW is "move over OR slow down" I moved to the right lane,was doing 55 in a zone that was right there changing from 60 up to 70 mph. well the old guy in front of me wanted to rubberneck, so with his eyes locked on the cop, slowed and when right next to him SLAMMED on the brakes!! well with bright lights,air horns and brakes screaming, I hit his dumb aZZ!-(I'm not driving off a bridge for anyone,sorry) 1st off the "motorist assist" guy LEFT!!! he never even asked if everyone was ok!,I kinda yelled @ the 911 person about that. then the cops let the guy in the car leave!! he was a very lucky SOB, ended up only being about $1500 to fix his car. then after checking every bit of my truck & paper work , comes walking over to me with a ticket!! I said "you're joking,right" he said "no" response was "you better be!" he said that they couldnt find anything wrong with my truck or paperwork, so I had to be speeding! :shock: I said " cause it couldnt be the jerk who stopped on the hwy huh?".He had no comment for that. long story short (ened :wink: ) it happened in may and I Had to fight it till january till they changed it.

* end rant