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Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:03 pm
by sludgeguts
I love RC10s (that's why I'm here :D ) but only recently started to get serious about collecting them. Started this thread to show you what I have which only stands at three at the moment (one is a W.I.P which I'll post up when it's done) but I'll update as and when I've aquired another one or completed work on one.

First up is this early 'A' stamp one. It came with an Edinger box but has more Cadillac parts on it than anything else so I'm thinking it's a very early Cadillac. It came to me basically as you see it apart from the wheels and tyres which I added to replace the manky ones it came with. Heres some pics:


Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:09 pm
by sludgeguts
Here's another one. This one has an RPM narrow chassis, RPM suspension arms, gear cover and some other bits. These mods have made it very light indeed.

Love the paint job on this one :D

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:23 am
by sludgeguts
Another one has joined the fleet. This one has an RC10T nose and front shock tower, RPM arms and a lovely luminous green chassis. This one will be fitted with an ESC and radio gear and will become a light runner.

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:32 am
by caesar
Very nice RC10s you have there sludgeguts, liking the paint schemes very much.

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:33 am
by DerbyDan
Nice colllection of RC10s Sludgeguts!..... Strange seeing familiar local locations in your photos on what is quite a predominately U.S site :D I've probably had a picnic on that very bench at the country park!

BTW do you race any of your cars? A few of us Silverstone RCMCC members are hoping to get a few vintage cars together to race at the Moulton venue on a Tuesday evening... the more the merrier!

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:20 am
by sludgeguts
Thanks for the kind comment caesar.

DerbyDan, Glad you like the pics mate. I'm going to have to find some more 'famous' Northamptonshire landmarks to act as a backdrop to my RC's. The Multi Story in Wellingborough is one of my favourites :lol:

I've never even thought about racing any of my vintage stuff but let me know what's going on regarding the vintage racing and I'll pop along as I'd love to at least watch.

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:06 am
by DerbyDan
Haha - Wellingborough multi-storey you say..

That was where this picture of my mate was taken in his Audi TT!

Back on topic.... RC10s are really one of my favourites, the fact that they can still mix it with modern cars given the right electrics & track conditions makes them so appealing. Having said that the car that I am putting together for the Moulton College vintage racing is a 5-link JRX2... I will let you know when this is likely to happen :wink:

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:10 pm
DerbyDan wrote:That was where this picture of my mate was taken in his Audi TT!
What was he doing, running over the photographer?? :shock: :lol:
Nice collection BTW Sludgeguts! 8)

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:59 pm
by sludgeguts
Was the person who took the photo of the Audi strapped to the front of it? :wink:

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:24 pm
by lexus-5
Hey nice collection! You might want to go check out the "gallery" section in the fourm for more great pics! You can click the link at the bottom of my post to get there.

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:38 pm
by sludgeguts
Thanks lexus-5, I'll go and have a look now. :D

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:17 pm
by 85Edinger
I'm not trying to hijack the thread, but my Rc10 also had Cadillac physical characteristics and an Edinger box with a label. Are cars like that late Edingers or early Cadillacs?

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:24 pm
by lexus-5
From what I've gathered they mixed and matched during the transition from Edinger Street to Cadillac Avenue. Once they moved to Cadillac, Associated used the older parts in the newer kits so some kits are mixed. It's an Ed-Cad... :lol:

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:20 pm
by DerbyDan
sludgeguts wrote:Was the person who took the photo of the Audi strapped to the front of it? :wink:
Another mate was doing a photography course at the time, and built a rig that basically puts the camera out on a pole which in turn uses suckers to attach it to the car, the camera is then set on a long exposure & the car pushed slowly along :wink:

Any original short arm RC10 captures that fantastic truly vintage feel... but only the obvious very early cars for me are that bit 'more special' - those with the really light anodising, clear gear cover & Goodyear (or blank equiv') etc etc.

I too have what appears to be a crossover car, but I wouldn't give it any more providence that any other regular #6010 RC10.

Re: Sludgeguts' RC10 Collection

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:40 pm
by sludgeguts
I'd love an early 'Edinger' but for the time being my 'crossover' one will do me. The, what I call, original RC10's have something special about them that the later ones don't have, to my mind. Saying that all RC10's are awesome :D

A good mate of mine has just bagged a never run, partially built Edinger an I'm very jealous indeed.