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Re: 1989 IFMAR Edition Masami Yokomo Dogfighter

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:17 pm
by Bormac
What a contrast in comparison to today's jumpwagon driver attitude.The man did stick to his guns and the companies he has been representing for years and did dare to even change almost the whole car and go on to win the worlds with it.What great attitude & what an example.Thank you very much for the scan wts.It really made my day.Any similar article is more than welcome.
Can't agree more. This car of Masami's is just purely one of the most awesome peices of R/C history period. What a work of art!

I love watching Masami dominate with this car on my copy of the 89' worlds DVD. In the infamous works of Darryn Johnson - 'FREAKIN AWESOME MAN!'

Re: 1989 IFMAR Edition Masami Yokomo Dogfighter

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:47 pm
by 59burst
time tunnel has some pictures of another replica

that rainbow paint job always reminds me yellow submarine movie of Beatles.

Re: 1989 IFMAR Edition Masami Yokomo Dogfighter

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:25 am
by littleVETTE
now these are my type of people. they actually drive them and get them dirty. awesome stuff!
